Alright, I thought I'd ask here.
I'm quite confused about the way the spell works on NPCs.
My question is, what affects it and why does it seemingly randomly not do anything?
This example actually happened in sequence, the spell being spammed one after another (obviously everything else edited out)
Example wrote:
You utter the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A NPC appears to age slightly as you sap some of his life-force!
You utter the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A NPC appears to age slightly as you sap some of his life-force!
You utter the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You utter the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A NPC appears to age slightly as you sap some of his life-force!
I did not fail any of the spells, but one just didn't do anything whatsoever.
I can find logs where its quite opposite, where It does nothing three times out of four. >_<
Edit: Edited out the NPC name