Edoras wrote:
Alshain wrote:
If not, there's plenty of other facets of the game to enjoy.
Like getting your butt kicked by the people who do understand the game's mechanics.
Re-read my post. As I said, I don't think the victim here would benefit as much as you think, likely being PK'd just as much if a simple change were made like 'numbers revealed'.
juggernaut wrote:
Letting numbers (or at least some basic ones) open for everyone
This is a slightly different suggestion, but I think it's an important distinction - revealing only
basic attributes - perhaps those that are already 'in the wild' are probably less impacting than showing every dice roll in the game. Two very simple examples of commonly posted numeric information: the numeric ranges for each attribute value; the obvious one of level ranges which have been shown in the game for a while now anyway. But if they're so well known already, how much benefit is there to the newbie in revealing such simple information? Wouldn't a help page on the website be just as useful and perhaps not break the game's In-Character experience?
juggernaut wrote:
On the contrary, I think that hidden numbers leave the newbie, more RP based players completely clueless about how to make their characters more ... viable in the battlefield, and allows the min-maxers maybe not have it 100% correct, but still have a really huge advantage against those who do not have the experience to understand the numbers behind the mechanics.
Notice that you've quite naturally extended your request for assistance to include not just the numbers in a 'show me what they are' request, but
explanation of the mechanics. Threads that help in this regard are extensive - take a look at OA's response in the recent Bard discussion; I'd suggest the information in there would be nigh on priceless compared to simply knowing "
your INT is 21".
There was also an exhaustive discussion about attacking cabal headquarters that not only covered off the basics (which got a bit heated) but eventually turned into a brainstorming session that Achernar ran with for a few changes.
Any character's fighting successes are about tactics and knowing the game - such knowledge is NOT instantly gained by simply knowing some numbers used by the combat system, nor would suddenly knowing some of those numbers necessarily give you an immediate edge over your opposition (who would have access to their own numbers in the same way). Some might even drown more, struggling to comprehend what the numbers mean to their character's strengths and weaknesses in the various modes of combat (solo, pets, groups, mass groups / NPC combat or PK).
From what I've seen over the years, the most productive way to be less of a victim would be to share your difficulties with some well put scenarios and asking for suggestions. Ask around in-game if you prefer explainable IC character improvement. Either way, you might be surprised at how many people are willing to help folks become more prepared and achieve a more survivable gameplay style when it comes to PK.