I belong to a certain cabal. I got a message from my inner guardian saying that it was being attacked, so of course my character went running to confront the attacker. I saw it was a god but I figured it would be good rp. Anyways I then get an OOC message saying she was testing code and to ignore the message. I OOC responded for her to tell my character icly, give up some rp and explain yourself, she said a god wont materialize to a characte when they are testing code. I was like you donthave to materialize to me, just tell me Icly that your doing thsomething, my character would stutter out a response and that would be the end of it but she didnt. This whole game is about RP. The GOD i am speaking about was MIRA. RP your character be it god or not, dont automaically jump to OOC. Now i know sometimes when explaining it has to be OOC but when the guardian yells and you auto goto OOC your not being fair and doing the RP. I just dont feel its right is all