stratford wrote:
Feeble attempt at a flame?
That is hilarious! Your 'knuckle dragging [REMOVED]' flames are so 1999.
You must not have your coke-bottle gamer geek glasses on because you can't count, as well as read. FIRST POST. Not "last post." LOL
I appreciate your e-stalking and hanging on my nuts like an aging, over-the-hill roadie on the first thread I have posted in ages. Even though your arguments and flames are made of fail, I will commend you for trying so hard - it's cute.
I think the only error I made was quoting your whole first post, instead of only the section my response was aimed at. The mistake being that I assumed you'd be smart enough to figure out what my reply was referencing - my mistake for thinking you could do basic reasoning.
The "no clue what you're talking about" was in reference to the last part of your first post:
Stratfordtard wrote:
And by the way, if you were that caster who rolled in the North yesterday or the day before it was my character who demanded you identify yourself. That's not being 'pushy b/c of mentor pts' - that's running a city/country/whatever with an iron fist. There's a difference between a random mentor foisting themselves on you and a tribunal leader wanting to know who you are and making sure you get off to a good start. Doesn't scale well and it isn't supposed to, that's how it is right now.
As in I have "no clue" what you're talking about because it wasn't my character. Thanks for paying attention to earlier in the thread, though, when I clearly posted the following:
FinneyOwnzU wrote:
Frankly, I'd rather not resort to citing specific incidents or posting character names, as I'm sure the players involved were motivated by good intentions and a desire to help.
Do you understand now, private Pyle? Good.