WiccanDiva wrote:
Yeah, so I suggested to Friend B to play something more "friendly" to start with and learn about the class and system (completely new to games like this, but not RP in general), then go play their dream minotaur character. If he sticks with SK, that minotaur will be impressive in skill/RP.
Still, I think it would be best to level the playing field in the schools, from training costs to eq costs. Even if they don't give eq, make the cost for the items extremely cheap. Or, give a quest once someone trains that first level that would give them say five platinum and everyone is happy. It doesn't take much to get that little bit of experience and can be done with no armor and the wooden weapon in most places.
If you've started in Kytar recently, they have a string of quests that ends up giving you around 2 platinum JUST for walking from place to place and killing two rats.
Taslamar has Iserken's Jobs, but that's my second-biggest Taslamar gripe, honestly. The hunting and errand jobs are great, but the gathering jobs are asinine and need their directions changed. "Find the orchard in the southern border of Taslamar." *rolls eyes* What new player knows what the southern border of Taslamar is? Hell, I've been playing the game for close to a decade and I always thought the southern border was the mountains between Taslamar and Ayamao. Would it be that hard to change the directions to "An orchard west of Everclear Village" or "The cactus grows in the fields west of Taslamar's Palace?" Players who have been here for years know where to find those two areas pretty easily, and players that just started can easily say "How can I get to the village of Everclear?" and get simple, easy directions.