Bards are a fragile class solowise. We all know this. no shield block, they only get dodge and parry defensive wise. Their songs are also either overpowered or not effective in any way at all. therefore, in my opinion after playing one for some odd 300 hours and mastering most songs, bards need to be reassessed in their abilities and their songs. Heres how I think, and feel free to disagree with me and post your thoughts.
Concentration: First off, bards require an absurd amount of concentration. If you have less than brilliant int, forget songs of sleep and silence. Dancing and singing requires a lot of concentration, so much that a half-elf bard with max int can only sing and dance with a couple of NPCs in the room attacking em. singing songs of sleep, my half-elf with max int can only take 2 NPCs in combat and still loses concentration on songs. (will get to the power of songs later on)
Defenses: Bards wear light armor. The lack of shield block makes em incredibly frail and having only a pet, most require a landy (reaching sword) or a whip. If the latter is used, forget parry. Your only life saver is dodge, which isn't all that great. Mood defensive kills a b-whips offensive power to the point you're better off running.
While on the topic of defenses, the bonuses dance gives needs to be completely looked at. It's so minimal right now that it's better to not dance and trip because even if you still dance, you're going to get bashed and tripped and dirted and hit like a truck. It may just take 1 more time, though usually most NPCs still tend to bash me while dancing easily.
Songs and chords: The variation of songs bards get are great. Songs of dancing, war, healing, they're all neat. However, B aug sixth and F minor is ultimately useless. The reason being is they hit EVERYTHING, even your own group in a room. You have to be completely solo to use em, which means, you will die. (Lack of shield block, light armor. bards have very little survivability front row.) B aug sixth is a strong AoE that hits all rooms around you, but really, use it once and prepare to get owned beyond belief.
While we're on that subject, songs need to be reanalyzed big time. Songs of sleep are overpowered. I've noticed this playing one. First off the affect is unresistable. I actually use it to check if people are hidden or invis because even if tehy are, you get the message "someone looks drowsy." If i'm not mistaken, it can even make people come out of hide. The affect needs to be reduced somewhat or made so it can be resisted.
Songs of silence on the other hand, are a prime staple of what they should be. It's an immensely powerful song, but can be resisted. Usually I can get people with about the 4th line if they have mediocre will power enchants or if they have none, on the 2nd line (it, like other songs has the affect kick in on the 2nd line) and some I've not been able to get it to affec them at all. (Usually ones with massive willpower enchants.)
Songs of dancing, are the exact opposite. These songs sound useful as they make anyone that hears them dance which makes them easier to hit (unless they have dancing as a skill) and also disables fleeing, tripping, etc. The problem becomes, the song is so immensely weak that even with max art as a bard (i had a lot of points left over..) anyone with even a sliver of willpower will resist them. I've seen even apprentice - jman players unaffected by it with just their natural wisdom scores and no enchants..These songs are good for a show, but even if you sing them nine times out of ten, people will yell at you or kill you just for singing them. (annoyance factor.)
Songs of antimagic I've not really gotten to use much. I honestly don't see much affect. Supposedly it lower a players concentration, but it's such a minute hit that unless a person's concentration is pushed to the brink, it really won't do anything.
Persuade: Persuade is fine as it is. An immensely powerful skill that allows bards to gather pretty much any and every buff. The only problem I have with it is it's flagged as an aggressive skill, in which imo it really shouldn't be. It's not like a charm. It's merely asking someone to do something with a bit of magical assistance. It really shouldn't be an aggressive action in my opinion.
These are just my opinions. Now mind you, I completely suck at PK. I'll admit it, but these are just things I've noticed as I've played and my opinions on them. I'd like to see bards have more versatility honestly than just having to sit in a group and sing songs of sleep or silence. Those and songs of healing are the only songs a bard ever uses, and I feel it shouldn't be that way. Feel free to voice your own opinions, agree or disagree etc.