ninja_ardith wrote:
Turon wrote:
I voted no, but only because it would be so game-breakingly imbalanced. A necro that can self-enchant his own MR kit? Obscene. A shaman that can enchant his own dragonscale? Yeeesh.
Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to stop having to bug the crap out of other people to enchant my things. I just think it would break the game.
Enchanting just needs to be targetable for the enchants you want.
Why is it so tough for a necromancer to find in game right now items for every slot that greatly increases magical resistance? I could do it in about 20 minutes myself.
Exactly. Cloth wearers have items in the game, numerous various types, that it would literally take under an hour to get max MR. I'm not even talking twink stuff. I'm talking newbie zones and midbie areas. You're arguing against necromancers being allowed to have enchanted armor. The necromancer argument is ridiculous, as is anything for the classes except for paladin's hellions.
But...meh. If everyone wants to take the role of enforcer of game balance because being able to enchant exactly what ya want is less imba then this, I can't argue against it.
This is a game, though, above all. And balance does not mean what I think most of you think it means. Chem offered the only good argument, which I respect. There's class identity in enchant armor for priest and sorcs, and I respect that. But there's also scrolls and ways to do it otherwise, I just feel the game-ifying of enchant armor outweighs that.