grep wrote:
That has also been tossed around a lot, but got a better reception than Deputize.
I for one would like to see it only after the MC got hueg buffs.
They don't need "huge buffs", they need specific buffs.
Give Wall some kind of sliding scale of usefulness from three people to one person, maybe 10% effectiveness for 1, 25% effectiveness for 2, 100% for 3. Even something like that would make it suck much less, at the same time an inverse of the same thing with HDance would be decent too, 100% for just you, 50% for 2, 25% for 3 0 for 4 or more, including all group members even pets
Allow forge to make a couple of decent one handed weapons, no special damage types, but decent subtypes for wielding with a shield.
Change favor into either skill with no conc, or a passive ability.