jhorleb wrote:
Grep, if it's really the time drain you're concerned with, why advocate for solutions that are just lesser time drains (targeted enchanting) or time drains spread out over more characters (sharing around the enchant armor spell)? Why not advocate for the utter removal of the spell (and thus all associated "time drain") as Salandarin suggested?
The real problem is that there are a currently a couple spells that can totally knock you out with no hope of recovery if you don't have decent enchants. If you just adjusted these spells (charm, sleep, etc.), I personally would spend almost no enchanting time on any character, nor would anyone else need to do so to be largely "combat ready" (as others have rightfully mentioned in this thread and the other one). The rest of the attack and debuff spells I would feel comfortable with the level of risk and carrying countermeasures (e.g., cure blindness herbs, heal vials, etc.)
I guess I fail to see what about the proposed "fixes" are any more fun or fair than the current system. They just seem like band-aids to help reduce the discomfort associated with enchantinng without really addressing the main balance issue.
Do the suggested changes somehow drastically improve the "fun" of enchanting and I'm just missing something?
Doing away with enchant armor is, in essence, doing away with the entire save system.
You would have to adjust the entirety of spell saves to adjust to what is considered normal by the back end checks-and-balance limit on stock gear enchantments, which is an inordinate amount of coding, on top of an inordinate amount of testing, on top of an inordinate amount of further tweaking in the code - and then IMMs would have to re-balance nearly all relevant gear in the game to provide potential couplings of good enchantments to avoid complete domination by spellcasters. It's a broad stroke that doesn't really take into account just how powerful a lot of spells can be without resists.
There are no simple two spells that end combat. If spells couldn't be resisted with a fair percentage of certainty, most of the damage spells above Journeyman are game enders, as are Hellions/necros/shamans with afflictions, warlocks with stacks of AoE damage... It's silly to think a full on call lightning/spear of faith/etc aren't just complete combat enders against melee when coupled with group formations, let alone low-HP caster classes. Then warlocks...fireball would destroy the game.
Removing enchant armor would necessitate an over-simplification to one enchant - "saves" - that could be put on by builders. A lot of other muds do this and don't have enchant armor. But, just because that's so, doesn't make it worthy for SK. This is a game for strategy.
This whole thing is like complaining about, in Risk, having to wait a handful of turns to get a big army to go on your rampage and just cutting the middle-man boring turns out and throwing 10,000 units on the board and letting it all out. Or playing Monopoly, and being bored with rolling the dice, so just distribute the properties amongst everyone so they all have monopolies and let things play out then.
It's not the point. Shattered Kingdoms is a game of strategy and like all things worthwhile some aspects take patience and time. Removing enchant armor or focusing it to targeted casts on armor so you can build your kit, to spec, posthaste - it seems ridiculous to me.
The only thing I could think to use as an adequate analogy is getting your eyes ripped out because street signs are starting to get fuzzy. Just put some glasses on.
To me, glasses would be spreading the spell out to other PCs. To others, the glasses are focusing the spell so you can build a to-spec kit with ease. I really dislike the latter, but it's a valid argument to make. I mean, I'd love it and it'd be fun...but just too much. It's one of those bad ideas everyone loves. Like adding a chance-to-kill-outright to, say, blitzkrieg, with no downside...like cleave. Mercenaries would love the hell out of it, and every merc would want it...but that doesn't make it a good idea.
Removing enchant armor entirely seems, to me, ridiculous when thinking of all the work that'd have to go into the game to balance it. So does focusing the spell.
Just let most, if not all, caster classes do it. It's a 5 minute change in the code and solves the awkward timesink issue, in my opinion. All things should take time but if a lot more people are carrying an equal burden of the time weight, it'd lessen the burden enough.