Brawlflint wrote:
I recall the Harlequins being ungodly hard to join back in the day, but always wanted to run with them, I like the idea of being good and bad equally, without apparent reason.
I think I've settled on either Rogue, Scout, or Bard. The Adventure style classes always call to me more, and I like to be a "combat support" role.
Edit: Also last I checked, the Harlequins were only taking in darkies, despite the Cabal having an apparent "grey" slant... has this changed?
I've been in the harlequins multiple times now (two or three, I can't seem to remember) and they are a blast! I had at least one rogue and bard in the harlequins and those are some of the best time I've had in the game.
I will also side with you on the adventure class, as I've always had some sort of attraction towards them as well. I've played so many scouts, rogues and bard in so many different cabals, it's ridiculous, lol!
At the moment, I would suggest playing a light aura character. They are a bit scarce, as far as I can tell. If you enjoy the adventure class, I would suggest a scout or bard, as there are a fair amount of rogues around right now. However, if you want to roll a sorcerer, go for it. People are very accurate in saying that they are fairly uncommon right now.
To be honest though, play what you think you will enjoy most and have fun! That is the whole point of the game. It is not what you have, but what you do with it that counts the most. We could use as many players right now as possible, as our numbers are a bit low right now.
Enjoy, and hopefully I will see you in the game before too long.