Edoras wrote:
I'd much rather see other coding changes go into effect, such as either removing bounty NPCs or lowering their spawn rate, mostly because at this point so many spawn when outlaws are involved that city PvP is impossible without clearing the trib accounts.
Dulrik wrote:
Call me old school, but I happen to enjoy games that don't hand me everything on a silver platter and then call me a winner. I receive enjoyment through accomplishment and accomplishing anything worthwhile is difficult.
The issue I have with the economy, and all other 'fixed amount' resources in this game, indirectly including bounty NPCs, is that the difficulty of one person's task can be affected by the malicious and unenjoyable actions of another without the victim even having an opportunity to resist or challenge the assault. C.f. Offline CRS, tribunal coffers, item hoarding, economic terrorism, custom-item-whoring, unmentionable milestones, and so forth. In other words, one person's "invested time" entitles her to a result that you are obligated to submit to, while at the same time so many time investments can be nullified.
Hoarding is an act of aggression that FPS games do not have. Hoarding compiled with the brokering of knowledge results in a cliqueish game where entry into the competitive gameplay is not worth the cost unless you join forces with someone already influencing or sufficiently versed in the system.
In other words, these "code fix" problems
create the "player fix" problems, Edoras.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, while respecting Dulrik as much as I can, he demonstrates an inability to fully comprehend the nature of social influences and problems. I will hypothesize that this inability has less to do with his acumen and more to do with his lack of direct participation in the system he must adjust because he alone is it's steward.
This is one of those things that I'd love to be incorrect about, of course, and that very well could be the case.