Alright, so I am just going to put this out there. I think that weakening the bounty NPCs was a great thing. However, as I have told D and Achernar in the past the cost of the bounty NPCs needs to be scaled down drastically. When I logged off last night there was almost 40 obsidian in the bank. When I log on today I log on to... 1 platinum? Are you kidding me? What's the point of even farming coin and depositing it if it's possible to drain accounts that quick?
| Old Forces 12, 1120 | -2300.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Old Forces 12, 1120 | -795.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 25, 1120 | -1350.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Frost Giant 25, 1120 | -505.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 23, 1120 | -380.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Frost Giant 23, 1120 | -405.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 23, 1120 | -85.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 20, 1120 | -75.21 | Diplomacy | XXX |
| Frost Giant 20, 1120 | -9.00 | Diplomacy | XXX |
| Frost Giant 20, 1120 | -12.00 | Diplomacy | XXX |
| Frost Giant 20, 1120 | -75.21 | Diplomacy | XXX |
| Frost Giant 20, 1120 | -640.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Frost Giant 15, 1120 | 850.00 | Deposit | XXX |
| Frost Giant 13, 1120 | -680.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Frost Giant 13, 1120 | -700.00 | Enforcer Deaths | XXX |
| Frost Giant 13, 1120 | -15.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 12, 1120 | -20.00 | Enforcer Fees | XXX |
| Frost Giant 12, 1120 | 177.50 | Monetary Fine | XXX |
| Great Evil 8, 1119 | 1930.00 | Deposit | XXX |
Your account has a balance of 1 platinum, 1 gold, 5 silver coins.
| Ancient Darkness 15, 1119 | 4605.00 | Deposit | XXX |
Can I get an amen?