Tragonis wrote:
ninja_ardith wrote:
Ariya is deleted, and the name is now illegal. If you don't believe me then check for yourself.
A. Ariya's loot hasn't respawned.
B. You pardon Ariya of her crimes.
I would come clean with Dulrik and reason with him; last I checked he makes the finaly call. Heck, many immortals do not have the power to delete you. They can set your name as illegal and let you rot in hell though. Maybe try being a bit more respectful too, the log of you and Nashira would have made me want to delete you too.
I don't know what you expect this to accomplish. I would probably continue to play if the pfile was somehow miraculously restored, but I'm not going to hold my breath. When I found out that the tribunal account was full I would have reported it and asked for it to be fixed. There's a lot of things I can do that sometimes I am wrong about, and I'm up front and admit that.
I guess I didn't beg and grovel and say I was oh so wrong for depositing 100 obsidian into the tribunal coffers (well, not quite, but close enough). There were other people on at the same time doing the same thing, I just took it one step further. But now you get a closer glimpse that tribunal, and probably by extension cabal and religious coffers work a little differently than personal banking accounts and so there are certainly some extreme complications that this (recent) bug seems to be able to cause.
However, it's a matter of principle that I don't go "Oh, I'm so sorry I broked the game." I'm always trying to break the game. I certainly don't use the things I do break obscenely against others though, unless I'm just oblivious to the fact that it's overpowering and broken, like sleep used to be. That spell was definitely changed through my direct input of having the then Adept cabal members abuse the ever-loving [REDACTED] out of it. Then Dulrik is like holy [REDACTED] that's broken. I admitted that what I was doing could be considered cheating/bug abuse/exploitation, and that's all authority figures need to go lol sucks to be you.
And A) I wasn't going to suck up
B) I wasn't going to try to lie my way out of it.
If you find it disrespectful then I can't help it. Sucking up isn't one of my virtues. In short, I expect this deletion to stand, and I lack interest to play any other character, roll another character or try anything else on the game.