I just found out despite the in game help file being not complete that some spells are actually ranged. Now the help files for Chain Lightning, Cone of Cold for instances doesn't have the syntax part like most ranged spells do. Can spells that are actually ranged have their help files updated?
Helpful help files:
also the last word in the fireball help file is spelled wrong: approaching is the correct spelling.
Syntax: cast fireball <victim>
cast fireball <direction> <victim>
Fireball is an awesome conjuring of the elemental fire. Through this,
the warlock sends fire into the center of an area, causing it to violently
explode, engulfing everyone within its range, including the warlock
himself. The warlock may also send the fireball into a group of targets
while they are still approching.
See also: 'acid blast' 'burning hands' 'color spray' 'cone of cold'
'lightning bolt' 'magic missile' 'shocking grasp'
[code][Spells help] call lightning
Syntax: cast 'call lightning' <enemy>
Call lightning brings forth a hail of lightning bolts on an
enemy group. While the spell can be used in any weather, it is more
powerful when it can call down lightning bolts from a storm. The
ideal conditions for calling lightning are when it is raining hard,
warm and very windy. The spell only works outdoors.
See also: 'control weather'
[Spells help] Damage Spells
Syntax: cast 'cone of cold' <victim>
Cone of cold is another of the elemental spells at the command of a well-
learned warlock. This allows the warlock to channel the cold of elemental
ice at her victim, causing a great deal of pain and damage.
See also: 'acid blast' 'burning hands' 'color spray' fireball 'lightning
bolt' 'magic missile' 'shocking grasp'