Edoras wrote:
I think Pilnor got wrecked every time he came to the North.
I think Antiira got wrecked every time he came to Sith'a'niel when I had my elf. Despite being able to gate in.
A) Wrong, and B)Maybe, but your elf lasted maybe 2-3 weeks at most. You just deleted her after I got my loot back from you. I'd go through examples of the former but that'd be a waste of time, because they'd be recalling instances you should already know about because they're already posted and/or you were actually present for.
I suppose you just get off on making generalizations and exaggerating the points of others, which this thread only proves.
Please, show me a log of Pilnor not getting wrecked in the North after Keleza GMd. I mean, you only had the nerve to come up there all of like 3 times that I can recall atm, and one time you got arrested, one time you got your group raped by lightning, and one time you and Lynard killed a few guards and then left (and then you died in Sith'a'niel).
How long my elf lasted doesn't matter. Your character who could gate into the city and bypass the gate guards got raped any time he came.
For the umpteenth time, cities are perfectly fine.
Dulrik himself has mentioned wanting to get away from NPC wars, and here you guys are, asking for NPCs to do all your work for you.