Edoras wrote:
It would also be great if this change also made higher level items have a much lower change of exploding so that you could actually reward people who go get the "hard to get" armor in the game instead of punishing them by making them have to either A) settle for terrible enchantments or B) make a group of 6 people wait around while they kill some deadly NPC 10 times to get a suit that works well. Places like the Iron Citadel and Dreamscape are almost completely a waste of time to travel to, because the armor there has been improved by IMMs who put max AC, 4 MP armor on NPCs that can be traveled to in 10 minutes from recalling while solo, or summoned.
Once upon a time the Iron Citadel loot was really good, and worth the effort to go there. But then some dumbass took the nerf bat to it, thinking that people shouldn't be able to get any better loot in a more dangerous area, than a hop, skip, and jump away from a city.