Dulrik wrote:
Trexor wrote:
Why not just cross class. Hit mentor and the best you could do is get to J-man, in whatever class your second pick is.
Hopefully you already have your answer. That would be a nightmare to balance and every ability in the list of every class for the first 20 levels would have to be re-examined and re-organized.
Oh I know that answer is that it wold make things unbalanced, however a really simply solution to the balance is to remove all the 2nd class picks unique skills, perks and spell (you can already remove certain spells and skills already)
My thought was this:
Your first pick is what you really want to use. You get all their skills and spells up to Mentor. The second one is your progression in another profession of similar nature. You do not get the "special" skills or spells the 2nd class gets. You also could not wear heavy armor if your 1st choice in class was a cloth based class.
For example
A shaman could learn things from a barbarian.
A barbarian could not learn anything from a magical or faith based healerA Necromancer could learn to cast some spells from a sorcerer.
A rogue could not learn to wear heavy armor from a Paladin/Hellion.Now I know it would be insanely difficult to put together, there would be horrible bugs. I also know there people could cleverly make really silly combos. However it is just a suggestion to add some spice to the game.