The connection method that all MUDs use is, well, archaic. It relies on the underlying layers of the TCP/IP protocol to take care of any brief 'bumps' in the path between your PC and the server. The TELNET protocol expects an uninterrupted connection - this doesn't mean errors and packet loss cannot occur; rather, lost packets are expected to be retransmitted by the IP stack, as well as reordered if some arrive sooner than others. The application layer is 'dumb' by modern standards, although it does mean it is very simplistic and need not contain code to handle packets arriving out of order or not at all.
These days, with satellite, wireless and various mobile technologies that are quite unstable in comparison to solid cables between a few universities, there is often a 'give up' approach to packet retransmission. Indeed, almost all modern massively online games take a "blast" approach of throwing huge amounts of game information in both directions and if packet loss occurs the worst you might notice in-game is the skipping of other characters or getting killed in an instant, when your local game eventually receives 'current' information from the server.
Having played SK for well over a decade usually on rock solid cable and DSL services but also barely-online services like a McDonalds free wifi or a 3G USB attachment on an oversubscribed Telso, I can assure you that SK MUD itself runs very well and with a very professional uptime on both the server and its local links to the internet.
You need to get a rough idea on how your link performs to local sites first (since international links and congestion might also be a factor), but here's some rough examples from my links:
3G connection / poor signal strength with oversubscribed/poorly engineered Telco. Symptoms:
* Packet loss noticeable in SK (lags slightly as it waits for retransmission; catches up as a large page of text arriving in a rush)
* Youtube videos slow to start and stutter while trying to play
* Basic web browsing appears fine
* Downloading anything will impact all other internet usage (and probably cause SK client to lose connection)
Request timed out.
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3G/HSPA iPhone with full signal strength via undersubscribed Telco. Symptoms:
* SK text arrival is smooth and only notice tick-lag
* Youtube videos start reliably and only stutter on HD quality
* Basic web browsing is responsive
* Downloading anything will slightly impact all other internet usage (and probably cause SK client to lag slightly)
Reply from bytes=1 time=60ms TTL=51
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Reply from bytes=1 time=60ms TTL=51
From here it only gets better, with ping times dropping further and further as the connection has less latency and no packet loss even while downloading other content (provided there is sufficient bandwidth). Note that the IP addresses I used above are actually at the respective Internet Service Provider websites (i.e. I should be able to get to
http://WWW.OPTUSNET.COM.AU" target="_BLANK with the minimum number of issues using my Optus link).
Pinging all the way to SK won't help you check your local service, as there could be international congestion and other issues between.PS: I'll be moving this to the CLIENTS forum soon, as this is not a bug. I'll leave a link in this forum though, as it's probably a common enough question.