Edoras wrote:
They -can- parry bare-handed attacks, but parrying wild fighting PCs and NPCs (read: 90% of PvE) is not reliable, whereas shield blocking a wild fighting NPC is much more reliable. In addition, a merc/barb can still get 4 or sometimes 5 attacks while defensive, but a swash on defensive puts out craptastic damage: Even then, a swash on aggressive won't do as much damage in PvE than a merc or barb, because their weapons aren't that damaging given that finesse doesn't come into play in high-level PvE since mercs and barbs hardly ever 'miss' when buffed and aggressive.
Enhanced parry was "wimped" years ago to have the effect that the damage the swashbuckler or mercenary's attack to the limb only does half as much damage as a normal strike to an arm would do. I think the point about stances is very valid though. If I'm a swashbuckler on defensive I'd only get three attacks with 2 sais, whereas a specialized mercenary would get 4 to 5 depending on if they're hasted or not. I blame dual wield. Also enhanced parry is useless against massive weaponry, and the entire class is based around the parry skill.
Swashies also don't get heavy armor which means they do take more damage, and they also just don't have as many hps. They also cannot rescue, so in a lot of high-level areas they're best off in their own row unless the person behind them is a bard or someone who can take a beating from reach NPCs. Honestly, a well-geared rogue would probably tank better than a swashie in PvE just because they can use shields, and wouldn't do that much less damage either on defensive.
This is patently untrue. Swashbucklers get the same hps as mercenaries, paladins, and hellions. The difference in damage reduction between a mithril plate, and an adamantite plate is negligible at best. Mithril is top tier armor even if the brittleness, and hardness of adamantite is better. However, if you take them up against someone who isn't wearing a weapon that ignores the parry skills they excel, they're actually really good. The use of shields is in my opinion way better than having 2 checks at parry, and the enhanced parry skill though. Rescue is generally better than taunt though