I have no idea what your point is Ardith, but for the sake of argument:
Huge bonuses to hit/damage, and fort and will saves - Compared to mercenaries (Whose accuracy bonus is much more useful than the +hit from berserk), this is not as noticeable. Tack onto that the fact that a frenzied specialized mercenary does much more damage than a barbarian will, and will hit more often as well. The fort and will saves, while nice, also come at the cost of taking extra damage from spells. It's probably not a zero-sum, but a merc can just get more fort/will saves on his EQ whereas a barbarian will need more MP on his. Also, failing to fury sucks hardcore, whereas a merc can't just fail his specialization. Tracking - This is useful, but most people you want to track will fly. Toughness - Doesn't matter. Headbutt - Also doesn't matter. Alertness - Matters very little. Butcher - Carry around food. Blind fighting - Actually is useful, though you still can't target any skills while blind. Counterstrike - Marginally useful, but only against backstab happy people. Wild fighting - With massive weaponry, wild fighting is useless. Disarm - Everyone gets this, it is nothing special. Key skills offer hp recovery - I think you meant key "skill", not key "skills."
Now, let's look at what mercenaries possess over barbarians. Retreat - Invaluable to group or single-person PvP. Enhanced parry - While it does offer a chance to parry limbs, which is marginally useful, it also increases the chance of parry. Specialize - Increases the base accuracy of the weapon, which is better than than a +hit bonus because it also increases your parry chance with it. In addition, specialize can stack with frenzy, putting the raw potential of damage on the same level as a barbarian, while also making the attacks themselves much more likely to land in PvP. Crossbow/Bow - Barbarians have absolutely no ranged combat abilities, whereas mercenaries do. Mercenaries can also retreat while using ranged combat, an excellent synergy. Not getting owned by spell damage - Mercenaries don't get owned by spell damage. Concentration - for cabal skills/spells, unless a merc is frenzied his concentration will always be much higher than a barbarian. Mana - The same for cabal skills/spells. Mercs don't have the same mana concerns that barbarians do.
In the game of mercs vs. Barbs, barbs forfeit enhanced parry, take extra damage from physical and magical sources, don't have any source of ranged combat at all, cannot retreat, and some very important skills like rescue take a hit when frenzied. While it is nice to be able to pick up and use any weapon as opposed to generally being stuck with just two, I would rather be playing a merc than a barb in the vast majority of circumstances. Besides, usually you don't need more than a couple weapons anyway, even if you're playing a barbarian.