B00ts wrote:
The Black Hand NPCs (not just the trio) have been wimped several times in the last few years. Necromancers have gotten the wimp bat as well. I'd bet money that the people complaining about Edoras couldn't do what he was doing with the same set up. Edoras is obviously doing something right to cause the qq rain that people are trying to drown him in. At this rate, he is going to need a scuba suit.
Its one pc, most of the time. Lighties even hoard a weapon for killing ethereal people. Edoras is now, always has been, and will continue to win SK. Want him to lose? Practice fighting necros instead of being terrified of them. That's how you *gasp* get better at the game, omg who would have thought.
Wow. That was a slobbery one even reading it.
Unfortunately, B00ts, your money would be bet wrong. People have done it better, in more style, with a harder setup. I just haven't played in years before Ithorim so my examples are pretty dated. People with short memories think someone zapping etherealform against people who don't have it is winning. Anyone who never has to worry about bash or trip living through PKs is not 'being good'. I have a different standard. In my book, the only people who are good are the ones who are forced to deal with bash (ie not having a way around it as a front rower), openly face down the more serious risks (anyone who rolls a rogue or swash by default), and still rolls face. It doesn't happen very often, and they're the only people who garner my respect.
Other than them, zap self and quaff from 3rd rank are not baller skills. c 'sekrat hammer of light spell' bash and quaff heal is not a baller skill. Every caster has the capacity to zap and quaff from third rank to practically nullify risk. Most people do it pretty well, some people don't. People survive doing the same thing Edoras does, they just don't land kills either because they don't have 11 charms to deal out damage when they have to do it.
And yes, baldric, unfortunately Ardith can be a complete hypocrite sometimes.
The tribunals are all rather unbalanced comparative to eachother. Taslamar is pretty rough with the no recall outside of the jail. The warparty of the North is a joke, so if Taslamar's is stomping, they could use a buff. Zhenshi could use better trib NPCs, so could Guardians. If NPC wars isn't going anywhere, other places could use buffs to bring them up to par with Taslamar. Even in the small ways, like with jail placement and screaming guards.
The problem with this and the other thread is that Surrit was jailbroken inside of 30 mins with 0 sweat, so the idea that Taslamar's warparty is pretty tough kinda makes me laugh. The jail no-recall part is a rather valid point, however.
The Moot has to deal with the fact half their NPCs are owned by bolt of glory outright. I'm not seeing a huge need to try to bring them down or nerf them at all. When it comes to NPC wars, they aren't really exactly on the top of the pile with their selection.