First of all, to the player of Rhakeesh, I am very glad that you are playing SK. I apologize if my actions have made the game less fun for you, but if you'll bear with me on this post I think we can iron out some important things.
If I played a paladin I would never flee from battle if I was facing an evil opponent. I would be okay with it if I was fleeing from a pack of spiders or bees or something and I was the last in my group to leave, for example. However, I would also go into that character concept accepting that I would have to re-equip on a more constant basis, and in general I've had experience with building characters and PvPing such that I wouldn't die every PK I was involved in.
However, I don't think that your main concern is the question of when fleeing is appropriate. The problem that you are running is that you don't like getting looted. This is a very common problem a lot of people have with SK, and the fact is that in SK, there's nothing stopping someone from full-looting you whenever you die. This is not something that will ever be enforced unless SK undergoes a serious paradigm change. I can completely empathize with this predicament as a new player, because it's very difficult to know how to regather equipment, and very frustrating to feel like you aren't making much of a difference in fights. For what it's worth, I will not go out of my way to full-loot players that I can tell are RPing their character best they know how, nor will I go out of my way to spam-PK characters unless they repeatedly ask for it.
That said, not all SK players are like that. I don't want to lead you into thinking that the vast majority of players are not going to loot you when you die, because there are plenty of reasons why they might do so, some good, some bad, most of them debatable. Personally, I think that this serves as a good deterrent to PK: If you aren't interested in putting everything you have on the line, then don't go out of your way to find PK. While PK does drive a lot of RP, I often find that in-depth RP typically brings about character-changing PK, not the other way around.
What I -will- do on almost every character I play, is that if I am in the middle of group PK and someone dies, I will always try to pick up their loot immediately. This does not mean that I am intending to full-loot or jloot said player, but if I don't hold the corpses of the people I've killed, and my enemy manages to sneak in and grab that EQ, then my PK makes almost no difference at all. Quite often, even if I am fighting very inexperienced PKers, if they are grouped up defending a city I will almost always pick up their gear temporarily. This is good common sense, because someone can be exorcised, resurrected and re-geared with their stuff in 5 minutes, and all they'll be out is a couple stat points from SD. If I intend to return loot from a group PK, I will almost always do so after PK and all attached counter-attacks (if any) are over, not before, unless the people I am PKing against are completely non-threatening to me even when geared up.
If my sprite necro ever gets stunned in Taslamar, I will get instantly jlooted by the law code and jailed for a bazillion hours. In addition, if my sprite necro ever dies to most PCs, the same will probably happen. I am already trying to prepare ahead of time to respond to that very likely event in a positive way and not in a negative way, because I know just as much as anyone how annoying it is to have someone flip out on you out of character when things don't go their way: I've been on both ends way too often.
As it pertains to our specific circumstance: I went on a couple PKs in Taslamar because A) our factions were at war and B) there was a peacekeeper online that my character had never faced in battle before. I killed Raguel and took nothing except coin, vials, and 3-4 high-level and/or scripted items. Later, I saw Raguel and Rhakeesh sitting in Exile later in a very vulnerable position and decided against killing them, because both characters had just died: They weren't naked, just had recently died. I, and especially my groupmates, decided that it would be better to let them interact with the squires who had just logged on. We went about our merry way, and then Raguel began sending some taunting tells to my necromancer, saying that he would never be victorious in Exile again. From that, I then returned and won that battle, and as such during the battle I did the best I could to gather up EQ as I figured that the defenders would be returning soon enough to try and re-gather their gear or to continue to attempt to drive us out. I was correct in that some of the defenders received resurrections and immediately returned only to die one or two more times. All of these last battles took place in less than a 25 minute span, during which I held onto all the gear from the people I had killed. After the dust had settled, I deposited all the gear minus consumables, coin, and at most 5 pieces of EQ from the 4 PCs I had killed into the Exile trash bin. While I did not give them a hint as to where to find it, I suspected that three paladins with access to locate object would have been able to piece it together.
tl;dr: Any PK at all in SK always comes with the probability that if you die, you may not get anything back. While I personally will not go out of my way to spam-kill and/or spam junk-loot players, the expectation of returned gear is never something that should be placed on your opponent. Rather, I would encourage all players, especially new players, to dedicate some time and energy to learning how to easily re-equip themselves on average or above-average EQ quickly, so that if they ever die, they don't have to worry about the huge loss just in case the person they died to isn't feeling benevolent. Keep in mind: The person that you are PKing is putting all their EQ on the line too just like you. If they decide to be nice and return some things or all things, then be grateful. If they decide not to, don't take it personally, because the vast majority of the time it isn't.