jerinx wrote:
Here's the problem: if you keep rewards AND quests, then the rewards become meaningless as people will avoid the interaction and just quest to GM. If you remove quests from advancing you, then you go back to the problem I stated. If you limit the xp of quests so you CAN'T GM without rewards, you destroy an explorer's time. You start moving into the realm of improving a socializer's time relative to others by making others trashier, not socializing better. The idea is to make socializing better and more rewarding - not make other paths more difficult or inhibited to balance it out.
I don't completely agree with this analysis. I think rewards and quests would be fine, and that quests would not render RP rewards meaningless. I don't believe I could get from Champion(1) to GM with quests alone by myself on every class, but that's just me. Whether I'm questing or getting RP rewards, I'm going to have to interact with other people. This would reward PvE mastery (and so many people are woefully ignorant about PvE) and RP competence in whatever ratio you prefer. Some will quest their way to GM, some will RP their way to GM, but most will do some hybrid.
The one extra level between GM and GM+1 offers few advantages except, for what I can remember, immunity to gate/summon and no longer being hungry or thirsty. No one is ever going to think "Man, all this drama is terrible, I keep getting annoyed by people doing stupid #*&$, my class isn't balanced, blah, blah, blah, blah....but you know, GM+1 makes it all worth enduring."
Incentives are about nudging someone along, not solving all of the problems of SK in one clever move. GM to GM+1 is but one incentive. They can be stacked as per many of the suggestions in this thread. I do think that people would be more hesitant to delete (retire, whatever) a GM+1 character than they would a GM character. It's a lot more work to get there; you have made a bigger investment. No longer being hungry or thirsty alone would be worth it to me! Also, I have to imagine your spells would be cast one level higher, your skills would operate one level higher, you would have one more level's worth of HP, and so on. The difference is small, but material.
You need to move outside of the box of fixing paragon and forcing people to roleplay in a way that pleases others in order to unlock PvE/PvP. RP is currently required in all ways. This is not a MUSH, however, and I think people need to keep that in mind when proposing these forced-RP scenarios. No one has fun doing something that's a job/chore. The idea is to "incentivize" it in a positive fashion, not balance it by making others' times harder/forced to travel through a mentality of play they may not want.
I personally can think of no greater incentive than not having to eat and drink anymore. I've always thought that was a real drag. But, that's just me. Everyone would gain a little something from the GM+1 bump, and also from ideas like a mentor point component to rewards. Who doesn't want more mentor points? I think, too, with these incentives we will see a different landscape in terms of who is handing rewards out. There will be more well-rounded players put in charge of this (a higher ratio of RPKers), likely with the ability to make good judgments about what merits a reward.