Yeah, being an Imm would be awesome, but alot of work to. Thankfully we have some Imms that do a good job, and help, sure we can't get everything we want and we get mad at them when we believe they do something unfairly. Most of the time though, I've only had good interactions with the staff, helpful, responsive and willing to give you the information you were seeking. But then again I don't complain about much, all I've done was report bugs here and there and offered some criticism on things so I've never had a bad interaction. Love most of the events that go on and love when an Imm comes and messes with people, makes me smile every time.
oh wait this was a thread about peso, well I'm sad to see vhelinal go,'s peso, if he keeps playing I'm sure we'll see something new and great soon, then when we get in the groove of the new char, we'll see another of these and then another new char, so on and so forth. Anyways, sorry to see vhelinal go and can't wait for the next