ObjectivistActivist wrote:
Actually that mostly comes down to scripting your aliases well. If you know a particular alias will be intended to be targeted, you can script in wildcard slots so that when you fire the alias you add arguments. Like flipbird "tight-lipped" "woman", for example, which would result in the emote coming out as: Dude lifts his middle finger angrily at the tight-lipped woman.
You can't script what Vicasharie wants to do. You can wildcard an adjective/name via alias, but the output will be the same for every person in the room. If Dulrik were to allow wildcards from the MUD, it would change the output depending on the point-of-view of the characters in the room and whether they had the person greeted.
Basic syntax would be:
pemote <message>
> pemote left eye twitches slightly.
The room would see: Finney's left eye twitches slightly.
Advanced syntax with @ wildcard:
> pemote merciless pimp slaps owns @Vicasharie.
Vicasharie would see: Finney's merciless pimp slaps owns you.
The rest of the room would see: Finney's merciless pimp slaps owns Vicasharie.
Or if you didn't have Vicasharie greeted: Finney's merciless pimp slaps owns a callipygian human.
You could also make the * symbol (or whatever symbol Dulrik wants to use) wildcard default to your character's name/adjective:
> pemote Her face contorted in agony, * eyes fill with tears.
The room would see (if greeted): Her face contorted in agony, Vicasharie's eyes fill with tears.
The room would see (if not greeted): Her face contorted in agony, a callipygian human's eyes fill with tears.