So I was trying out frenzy as suggested in the help file. It seems I cant cast it on enemies. Here is one sample. Perhaps because this priest npc is aligned with a god? I dont know. Will try it later on a melee NPC that wont destroy me if I frenzy it.
Heres the log
[HP: 87%] [ME: 69%] [PE:100%]
You utter the words, 'ycandusikl'.
Your ancestor spirits refuse to assist a thoughtful-looking priest.
[HP: 87%] [ME: 66%] [PE:100%]
> help frenzy
[Spells help] frenzy
Syntax: cast 'frenzy' <target>
Frenzy makes the subject a veritable fighting machine by raising his
chances to hit and do more damage, but it does have some unfortunate side
affects. Higher reasoning is affected resulting in loss of concentration
and lowering of cerebral skills. The target also takes less heed of his
own well being which penalizes his ability to dodge and causes increased
damage from attack spells. Frenzy is usually only cast on your allies
but shamans may also find it useful against certain enemies.
See also: berserk