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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:20 pm 
TMS Cheerleader

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patrisaurus wrote:
Why does nobody agree with me that the answer isn't that necromancers should group, it's that they should be shunned from most groups! Shun them!

cause you CRAAAAZY!

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:24 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:43 am
Posts: 2323
SK Character: Airkli
Its not the wights. Its the necros ability to control 3 of them at a time.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:44 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
FinneyOwnzU wrote:
You think the only play style available to a necromancer is the one-many army approach where they use controlled pets (previously animated pets) to overwhelm their enemies with massive damage. Of course, this play style is going to get changed because it is not balanced - unfortunately, it will get nerfed in the wrong way. Part of that is because the people that play necromancers are so determined to employ a particular play style that the refuse to objectively look at the strengths and weaknesses of the class.
No, you're wrong. Completely wrong. I rolled Surrit with the intention of being a spell flinging maledictor, much like Antiira was, my deep-elf crucie sorcerer, who typically killed people by bashing them/taunting them with one charm and then using acid blast/damage wands/dispel/damage scrolls to kill people. That's why I rolled a sprite, because I knew that while sprites had lower INT (And thus a smaller "army" on account of concentration) that I wanted to be able to be more survivable so I could have more time to cast maledictions, finger of death, and use damage wands/scrolls/staves. I also trained art instead of mana, which made it very difficult for me to hold multiple controls as my mana regen went down the tubes.

All that said, despite building my character for the purpose of being a spell flinger, I quickly found out that because holy word deals double damage to undead, BoG instantly kills undead, and that you have no way of locking people in the room with you and keep them from running around and murdering you with ranged combat or your group with aoe spell damage, you simply can't afford to cast spells in fights against skilled opponents if you're evenly matched unless you have an extremely sturdy tank line: And if you have an extremely sturdy tank line, you're better off as a sorcerer, hellion or shaman. If you want to be a maledictor, a hellion or shaman is an infinitely better choice because you don't get bursted down by anyone who looks at you the wrong way.

I don't -think- that the only good playstyle available for necros is through overwhelming burst damage. I know it, because I learned it. I -did- look objectively at the strengths and weaknesses of the class, and that's how my playstyle was formed. Necros are the glassiest of glass cannons with zero ranged options, and if they don't bring overwhelming damage (or utility in the form of fear) to the table to make up for their squishiness, then they're not a strong class in PvP.

Finney wrote:
You can group for PK as a necromancer, like everyone else, and their skill set is very effective - on par with a priest or shaman at the very least (better IMO). On top of that, they still have the option to employ the one-man army approach.
The only unique thing that a necro's skillset brings to the table in group PvP is fear. And yes, fear is a sick, nasty, awesome spell. But frankly, fear isn't worth playing a cloth-armor class with no defensive spells that gets room-locked by BoG. You're better off as a sorcerer at that point, because sorc charms can taunt and don't get one-shotted by BoG, and sorcs can enchant, use magical devices, scribe petrification, and cast dispel, which is all you really need anyway.

Dalamar, I've played as and against necros for a very long time. I haven't had trouble fighting a necro in the last 2 years, and I've taken out plenty. I beat the living crap out of Trag's incarnation before this current one without a scratch in neutral territory when he even knew I was coming, and he's the one you're snooping right now that you think is so crazy OP. The only thing that a necro can bring to the table that makes them more useful than a sorcerer, shaman or hellion is fear and controls, now that animates are useless in PvP. Lowering the strength of controls on top of their already in-place buffs is just going to put them even deeper in the dumpster.

And Dalamar, it takes less than 3 combat rounds to kill 3 shadowy wights with BoG, 2 rounds if the paladin has the brains to alias "c bolt shadowy" to a key on his keyboard. It takes 3-4 combat rounds to cast dispel/cancellation on three shadowy wights in order to make them turn on the necro. Ultimately, this means that against an opponent with access to dispel, cancellation, or BoG, that wight damage is going to continously drop until the 4th combat round, at which point your wight damage will be zero and all that the necro can do is die.

But whatever. If you guys want to just keep putting nails into the coffin of a class that used to be really cool and has already gotten the harshest treatment by Dulrik balance-wise, go ahead. They're just not going to ever be played to any effectiveness ever again except against people who have no idea what they're doing.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:50 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
You think I'm wrong, yet the staff members are agreeing with me. Why is that?

No offense, but you showed a complete lack of objectivity when it came to the animate changes and you are going down the same road again. I think a change is necessary, but don't agree with the change that likely be made. You seem to be arguing blindly against any change at all, which is a recipe for disappointment - change is coming.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:51 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
Edoras wrote:
But whatever. If you guys want to just keep putting nails into the coffin of a class that used to be really cool and has already gotten the harshest treatment by Dulrik balance-wise, go ahead. They're just not going to ever be played to any effectiveness ever again except against people who have no idea what they're doing.

You argued the same thing after the animate dead change, yet the class actually got stronger and easier to play.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:57 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
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Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
My complaint about the animate changes was that animates were made completely useless in PvP. No one disagrees with me on that and Trag (the only active necro) doesn't use animates in PvP. How is that a lack of objectivity? I just call it like it is.

I'm not arguing blindly against any change. I'm arguing against changes that are being made off of biased information. I can guarantee you that if Dalamar had been snooping Trag when Pilnor was around, he wouldn't have thought that necros were OP because I would have been putting him in the ground.

And what? How did necros get stronger after the animate dead change again? I'd love to hear this. Please point me to the logs where Trag rips through 6-person formations with his 3 shadowy wights.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
Edoras wrote:
I'm not arguing blindly against any change. I'm arguing against changes that are being made off of biased information. I can guarantee you that if Dalamar had been snooping Trag when Pilnor was around, he wouldn't have thought that necros were OP because I would have been putting him in the ground.

And what? How did necros get stronger after the animate dead change again? I'd love to hear this. Please point me to the logs where Trag rips through 6-person formations with his 3 shadowy wights.

The overwhelming majority of a necromancer's enemies are not going to have immunity to bash. You don't balance a class around the difficulty it will face against a particular race/class combination that has access to a specific cabal ability.

You claimed necromancers were useless and not worth playing after the animate change (you even stopped playing your own necromancer), but Irition has been quite successful after the change. If you want logs, there are plenty on the other site.

Pretty sure that Dalamar already stated his information comes from direct observation - not sure how that can be biased.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:42 pm
Posts: 214
I'd like to point out that necromancers are an advanced class for a reason. They wield great power at the expense of BoG, and being hunted by half of the playerbase, and it is not recommended that anyone but experienced players roll them.. An experienced player like tragownsthis plays an advanced class and wins SK and now everyone wants them to have more weaknesses. A smart well built player could take him out if they wanted to, and its a known fact that some classes will never be able to take on a prepped necro ever, and it is that way by design. Nerfbatting them will ultimately lead to less people playing them.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
trollking wrote:
I'd like to point out that necromancers are an advanced class for a reason. They wield great power at the expense of BoG, and being hunted by half of the playerbase, and it is not recommended that anyone but experienced players roll them.. An experienced player like tragownsthis plays an advanced class and wins SK and now everyone wants them to have more weaknesses. A smart well built player could take him out if they wanted to, and its a known fact that some classes will never be able to take on a prepped necro ever, and it is that way by design. Nerfbatting them will ultimately lead to less people playing them.

No one is opposed to a necromancer excelling in PK. However, it should definitely be more involved than "order all bash" - there is a reason they have fear, blindness, scrolls, etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Shadowy wights
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
Finney wrote:
You claimed necromancers were useless and not worth playing after the animate change (you even stopped playing your own necromancer), but Irition has been quite successful after the change. If you want logs, there are plenty on the other site.

Irition has been "quite successful" after the change, therefore the necro class is actually stronger and easier to play. Now who's making up arguments?

The people that Irition fights in all of his logs aren't GM and/or are new players, which is the case with all the kills that Trag has posted except for one kill on Hentera, which is a fight that Trag immediately goes ethereal in about 1 round in and then for some reason the people against him decide to just sit at Teron's stones and let his undead beat on them for about 20 rounds so they die. The other fights are filled with things like a low-level paladin failing casts at BoG for 11 rounds (A GM paladin would have killed Trag's three wights in 3 rounds), a sorcerer who casts color spray at Irition's group instead of casting dispel at the wights, and people running around front row like it's suddenly the newest fassion. There is, however, a log of Tragonis getting killed/arrested in Nerina.

Nothing against Trag, he's just playing his character and doing a great job at it, and it looks fun. But just because some people decided to repeatedly run up to Trag and die doesn't mean that necros are magically better after getting nerfed, nor does it mean that the shadowy wights are OP any more than the ridiculous amount of people that Alaric killed means that darkie barbarians are OP. There's no logs of Tragonis going against veteran PKers. Any skilled player playing a merc, priest, sorcerer, warlock, or especially paladin is going to shut him down instantly, and it's going to look something like this.

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
You ride a spirit steed south.

Tenkawa Road
The tightly-packed sandstone bricks forming the base of this broad street
have been purposefully concaved to faciliate drainage into the iron grates
placed intermittently in its center, yet the change in slope is so
tastefully modest that it only serves to broaden the appearance of this
already-wide passage. An elevated wooden boardwalk parallels each side,
allowing access to the structures found there.
It's mostly clear, very hot, and there is absolutely no wind.
Obvious exits: n e s
(Charmed) A spirit steed is here mounted by you.
A large and terrible bird is here, saddled to ride.
(Pink Flames) The undead clan lord stands here motionless, as a simple reminder.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A hideous dark wraith floats near its master.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
A pleasant male halfling is flying here.
Alefi runs in from the north.
An Uxmaln pack mule walks in from the north.

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]

Group: Pilnor's Party
(F1) [---------------] (F2) [ Pilnor] (F3) [---------------]
(M1) [---------------] (M2) [ an Uxmaln pa] (M3) [---------------]
(B1) [---------------] (B2) [ Alefi] (B3) [---------------]
Characters Rank Pos Here Follow Prone HP ME PE
Pilnor Leader F2 Yes No No 100% 90% 99%
An Uxmaln pack mule Member M2 Yes Yes No 91% 100% 76%
A spirit steed Member ?? Yes Yes No 100% 0% 100%
Alefi Member B2 Yes Yes No 100% 75% 97%

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
Alefi utters the words, 'parl xafe'.
A pleasant male halfling yells 'Guards! A slim male elf is trying to mug me!'
Alefi's divine wrath hits a pleasant male halfling.
Alefi's divine wrath MASSACRES a wraith!
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
A wraith loses the blessing of the gods.
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
A wraith loses the blessing of the gods.
A wraith is no longer moving so quickly.
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
Alefi's divine wrath DEMOLISHES a wraith!
The undead clan lord loses the blessing of the gods.
The undead clan lord looks very angry at a pleasant male halfling!
A wraith dodges the undead clan lord's attack.
The undead clan lord misses a wraith.
The undead clan lord slashes a wraith's forehead, causing a small wound.
The undead clan lord slashes at a wraith's right leg, causing a sore wound.
The undead clan lord slashes at a wraith's chest, barely scratching it.
The undead clan lord's controlling spell vanishes.
The undead clan lord falls to the ground!
Alefi's divine wrath MUTILATES the undead clan lord!
Alefi utters a word of divine power!

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
A pleasant male halfling darts north.
A terror bird sprints north.

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
A wraith touches you!
A wraith touches you!

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
Alefi brandishes his holy symbol!

[HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 99%]
Alefi starts to concentrate.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith darts north.
A wraith has fled!
A wraith slashes at your left foot, causing a minor wound.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith's divine wrath barely hits your right leg.
You parry a wraith's attack.
You parry a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
Your shield blocks a wraith's attack.
Your shield blocks a wraith's attack.
Your shield blocks a wraith's attack.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith's acidic bite lightly burns your right leg.
You parry a wraith's attack.
You parry a wraith's attack.
Your shield blocks a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
You dodge a wraith's attack.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith's acidic bite slightly singes your head.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith darts east.
A wraith has fled!
A wraith's acidic bite lightly burns your right leg.
Your shield blocks a wraith's attack.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon a wraith as it charges you.
A wraith's psychic slice dissipates against your chest.
You parry a wraith's attack.
You parry a wraith's attack.
The undead clan lord slashes a wraith's chest, cutting a small but painful, wound.
A wraith darts north.
A wraith has fled!
The undead clan lord's shield blocks your attack.
Your deadly wrath barely hits the undead clan lord's chest.
Your deadly wrath lightly hits the undead clan lord's chest.
The undead clan lord's shield blocks your attack.
The undead clan lord's shield blocks a spirit steed's attack.
Overall, the undead clan lord looks pretty hurt.

[HP: 90%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 98%]
ret n
You sound the retreat!
You ride a spirit steed north.

I swear Finney, you act like you really know your stuff, but when you say stuff like "Tragonis's necro is demonstrating that necros are actually better after their nerf" then you honestly make me wonder. Call me when he starts going 1v7 and winning decisively by 1-2 rounding PCs that don't use defensive spells, and then you can say that necros are as good as they used to be. This log is a great example of the difference between fighting a necro unintelligently (The first part) and fighting a necro intelligently (Once Walthur shows up). Trag hasn't seen a Walthur yet.

[url=http://sk.[REDACTED].com/show_log.php?feed=3099][Older] Surrit goes 1v7[/url]

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