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 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:47 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
For what it is worth, I thought Jinnahra was Zynor's spoiled daughter?

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:33 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:00 pm
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SK Character: Adalwulf, Whinston, Eberhardt
grep wrote:
For what it is worth, I thought Jinnahra was Zynor's spoiled daughter?

Dreddnhar's spoiled daughter.


 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:38 am 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
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I always roleplayed my shamans as worshipping a combination of their spirit ancestors AND the many & varied "god-spirits". True pantheists who called on Sargas in times of war, on Zavijah when seeking wisdom, etc. the S'hochi ascribed them such as Ariakas the bear-spirit (original god of war), the serpent-spirit or demon-spirit for Dreddnahr & Jinnahra, etc.

As a player I always loved the idea of Pergan, the god of ambition, and wanted to play one of his hellions. Personally I always preferred the Zynor concept over that of Dabi as well, which is probably part of why I chose to play her now, to flesh out her concept more in my mind, and try to consider how to help integrate some of Zynor's "coolness" back into that imm-sphere if possible. The whole world is still a work in progress of course, but I certainly prefer the concept of a static pantheon over the constant rise and fall of not-so-immortal immortals.

I loved Dreddnahr too. He was the god I followed with my first character and was the first god I had any IC contact with. I was amazed and thrilled and terrified when Finola (the HP) brought me before his throne. He was also the first imm I had OOC contact with and he was totally cool. I resented Jinnahra for a while for displacing him. But it was what it was, and that deity passed on.

People should RP what they want, even if it's the worship of dead gods. But one should also always be prepared to roleplay ICly and accept OOCly the consequences of those roleplay choices. Nobody gets to rewrite the game in their own image or to suit their own personal interests, as there is 18 years of history already pre-established, written by a great many morts and imms alike that have brought our world to where it is today.

Dabi I play very no-nonsense, very unlike I played Nada & Achernar v1.0 She hardly deigns to notice insignificant mortals, though much like my depiction of Achernar, if you see her, somebody is probably going to die. In a very, very slight acknowledgement of a certain heretical sprite worshipping her dad, she took a brief moment to turn his voodoo spirits against him, just with intent to stun, just to pass along a message if the futility of his heretical efforts. Whether the player interpreted it as that I don't know, but I think the fun is in letting them sort those messages out for themselves, IC.

We may not like that Zynor, Yenko, or Pergan are gone.
But they are.

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:39 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
dalamar wrote:
We may not like that Zynor, Yenko, or Pergan are gone.
But they are.

Unless you have GRP approval like Cendre to reference them, I think? Didn't she do that recently?

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:46 pm 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
grep wrote:
dalamar wrote:
We may not like that Zynor, Yenko, or Pergan are gone.
But they are.

Unless you have GRP approval like Cendre to reference them, I think? Didn't she do that recently?

I don't recall the exact specifics of that RP, Im thinking it had something to do with a cult subset of the Sadr faith.

You may "reference" any old imm that you want.

But it won't change the fact that they're gone, and nothing's going to undo the fact of the current static pantheon. *shrug*

Some of the old imms live on in the static pantheon. When I introduced Achernar, I didn't kill off Nada, I just transformed it into Achernar -- a fitting tribute to the god of change who lives on in a new name. I made sure that Pergan and Xandrennus lived on in the form of Ain. Calrion was reborn from Rishivel's blood and Alshain reborn from Calrion's fallen form. Sargas conquered and consumed Ariakas, Sadr is really just a continuation of the deity once called Yenko, Yed is the reawakened consciousness that was Khore under a new name, etc, etc.

You can in many cases still be worshipping the same deity under a different name, which is sometimes just a matter of semantics, but the deity will remain what they are now, and the previous version of them will never be "returned". :)

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:40 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
dalamar wrote:
grep wrote:
dalamar wrote:
We may not like that Zynor, Yenko, or Pergan are gone.
But they are.

Unless you have GRP approval like Cendre to reference them, I think? Didn't she do that recently?

I don't recall the exact specifics of that RP, Im thinking it had something to do with a cult subset of the Sadr faith.

You may "reference" any old imm that you want.

But it won't change the fact that they're gone, and nothing's going to undo the fact of the current static pantheon. *shrug*

Some of the old imms live on in the static pantheon. When I introduced Achernar, I didn't kill off Nada, I just transformed it into Achernar -- a fitting tribute to the god of change who lives on in a new name. I made sure that Pergan and Xandrennus lived on in the form of Ain. Calrion was reborn from Rishivel's blood and Alshain reborn from Calrion's fallen form. Sargas conquered and consumed Ariakas, Sadr is really just a continuation of the deity once called Yenko, Yed is the reawakened consciousness that was Khore under a new name, etc, etc.

You can in many cases still be worshipping the same deity under a different name, which is sometimes just a matter of semantics, but the deity will remain what they are now, and the previous version of them will never be "returned". :)

Ah. I was under the impression Cendre summoned the power of Yenko to tentacle something something whatever.

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
Location: pyrathia
I would be very interested in knowing how someone got the staff to RP about old gods. I have tried many times and put out many ideas but I only get resounding No after No. :cry:

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:04 pm 
Immortal (Inactive)

Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:57 pm
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The Yenko RP to which they are referring was simply something that players put together and wanted to pretend to try to raise Yenko from Hell. In reality what happened was a few Darkies, Cendre included, showed up to do a ritual underneath Mortoon and as it began, a large group of lighties showed up and killed them. Lord Alshain appeared to confront Cendre about trying to raise Yenko because she is of course dead and trapped in Hell. But Cendre was so empowered with dark magic that she had channeled, that she cast a final strike to try to kill Lord Alshain. Lord Alshain, protecting all those of the light that were there, absorbed the energy and "disappeared" for a time, and then was reborn after those of the light Unified themselves and the lighthouse was built in Taslamar.

SO, to answer you question, there was no real RPing of of any dead god, players were doing their own RP and we as IMMs used it as an opportunity to A) close down Mortoon for rebuilding and B) introduce a new sphere to Meissa.

Perhaps it is just time to try a different RP angle? If you keep trying to get people interested in something and they keep saying no, then perhaps it is just time to try something new, not try to find a way to twist their arm into doing it? Let your creativity flow in many directions, do not try to keep it funneled and focus only on one pinpoint :)

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:26 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
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You say people keep saying no as if everyone says no. The immstaff say no. Pretty much everyone I have asked have said yes. they unfortunately lose interest when the immstaff rebuffs any and all actions to do anything that resembles Zynor. I even tossed the idea that Thuban should be the real source of whatever we do and the best response I ever got was no, and Thuban is busy anyway (Which is the best answer I have gotten as it felt like it might happen if Thuban's RL becomes less hectic).

I have stated clearly when i have asked immstaff that I don't expect Zynor to come back, but pretty much anything would be cool, even a simple altar in one of the huge temples/cathedrals in the game or out in the middle of nowhere. Actually sending a god to hell is much bigger then anything I have asked for.

 Post subject: Re: Why no RP around the old gods?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:48 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Posts: 1593
Location: pyrathia
Not to bash Dabi, but that church is usually dead. It is why I rolled 2 priest from that church in the past. Even now, after the immstaff rebuffed any and all plans for any RP around Zynor, i was hoping I could convince the other guys to come and "declare war" on Dabi. With such an unactive church, the war would be relegated to killing NPCs and get zero reaction from them or the staff.

Sure, now i think the other guys lost interest in Zynor. I don't blame them. i have begun to heavily think of re-rolling. why stay with a character which is almost assured to not accomplish anything (even minor) in the game?

I mean, its not like I have been shy about following Zynor or disrespecting Dabi. I don't expect a god to come down and smite me for it, but at least have a follower come up and do something about it. At least an angry tell. Nothing. I push and push and push, the only thing I ever got was a voodoo from Dabi (which was great and thrown into the RP ). From the interactions i have had, no one really cares about Dabi (Not IC anyway). i even began asking people if i could build an altar to him (which the immstaff already said no to) and it seemed everyone was pretty positive about it.

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