I've been trying to answer your question here, but apparently the message Im trying to express is not being understood or the answer is being argued a la grep.
Your choice of roleplay is not "taboo". I thought I had expressed several times here your freedom to pursue that choice of roleplay as you want, along with the people who want to roleplay it with you. Perhaps I misunderstood you, but it sounded like you were saying there were large numbers of players who shared your desire to roleplay this scenario.
At this point, I don't know if your desire is to roleplay an idea that you find interesting or if it is to be part of a roleplay that has imm involvement and active support.
If its the first, I've been trying to tell you to go for it!!! Roleplay it! Nothing has stopped you. Roleplaying a war against the Dabi religion may be difficult due to the low number of members in that religion, so it seems sensical to take that into consideration.
If you just want to be part of an RP that has imm involvement, I've been trying to explain that to you as well. Zynor is gone and he's not coming back, that's just a reality in the game world, and arguing or getting upset won't change that, I don't know how else to say it that will be any more clear.
I've also tried to tell you that you are much more likely to get an imm's attention if you just play your character, pursue your roleplay on its own long term merit. If I see that you have a significant RP concept that is spurring activity in the game and generating interest with other players over the span of a few months, or if an imm sees that your storyline coincides with something else that they are doing, then you have a much better chance of an imm becoming involved in it.
I feel like I've spent a vast amount of time answering your questions carefully and thoughtfully, but because you do not like the answer you've received, that arguments have been thrown back, and I don't know how to say any more nicely than I have already that the answer won't change, no matter how much it's argued. Perhaps Im lumping you and grep together unfairly, but I hear the same tune being sung by both of you, and all I perceive is a refusal to accept the answers that you've received.
How much can we beat a dead horse?