Smoochy Bovine wrote:
So how exactly should this be accomplished in an IC scenario?
let's assume you already got deported.
You look on the who list to see a member of that tribunal.
Smoochie tells Trib member, "Greetings, I seek your leadership so that I can immigrate to your wonderful country!" (way over the top but you get the pt)
Trib member replies, "Sure, please contact XXX. They can help you immigrate here."
Smoochie tells XXX, "Hello, I was directed to you to get help immigrating to your country."
XXX replies to you, "Greetings Smoochie! Yes, I can help you with that. May I ask why you want to come here?"
... (more convo to get to know each other and make sure things like a delf isn't trying to become a Ayamao citizen)
XXX replies to you, "Okay, I have filed the paperwork with the Judge, welcome to YYY! If you need anymore help just ask!"