jreid_1985 wrote:
Exactly. The moment you bring up issues with pk, it should just automatically direct you to werts guide of avoiding it.
You are more than welcome to sit around and play with pony dolls, knit yarn whatever you want. Just don't expect to join the fists or keepers and completely avoid conflict because you don't like pk. The fact that the game has various factions designed around pk should tell you that this is not a strictly rp mud. I'm not certain what your expectations are. No alignments and no pk?
Cabals can't, you know, focus on RP, telling a story, and use their abilities for PVE? This isn't a strictly PVP mud, either.... ... ... I know, crazy, right?
Wert's guide to avoiding PK is tongue-in-cheek and plays into part of why the game has a completion mindset Dulrik doesn't like. The language suggests that if you aren't in a cabal and PVPing as a GM against other GMs, you're not enjoying all of SK and therefore are less of a player. It's also a lie, because alignment can get you slain no matter what you do. The only opt out is to not play, and plenty of people take it.
My expectations would be pretty simple: know who hates you, why they hate you, if they will kill you, and what you could try to do to change any of the former issues, if only temporarily. "PK into deletion lolol" would be punished for the harassment it is no matter what site its posted on, and "hahaha you're in a faction so I don't need to even let you know who I am" would be appropriately labelled as lack of RP. If I join the Hammer and my leader is AFK token farming, it shouldn't mean that I should log off when all the HandLegion people come around because there's no recourse without PVP.
For a specific example, say Wudan looks at an outlaw board, sees some guy he's never met, starts summoning into guards. That shouldn't be okay. That's what keeps people from playing the game.
This might come as a surprise to you, but I do enjoy fighting games. A lot. They're balanced, quick to start, support good sportsmanship, and limit the damage bad sportsmanship can do to one's ability to play the game. I wouldn't expect no alignments and no PK, but I would expect tempered use of both in the course of telling a story and exploring a role. They're tools for roleplay, which in my opinion is the only valuable unique commodity SK has to offer.
OOC planning from characters on either side of a fight would be my golden standard. If both people go into a fight knowing what's about to happen, wouldn't it be more challenging and rewarding for everyone involved? What's up with this idea that someone's always got to have their pants down?