PacoJamalWarner wrote:
There's like 4 or 5 characters I played for a decent amount of time that I'm drawing a blank on the names.
This is what it feels like trying to remember their names:
Here's what I remember:
My very first character was a drow hellion, name I can't remember. I rolled him with Joel after we found the MUD when we were 15 or 16, can't remember what he was but pretty sure his character was named Corgith. Joined Ariakas faith. Met Balfour, who was played by Finney. Saw Balfour get f'd over by Ariakas (either player deletion or skill reset), and didn't care too much for it so I deleted and re-rolled a new character. Probably got up to level 25, had no idea what I was doing.
2nd character was Savax, neutral human swash follower of Yigg. This is when I started to figure out PK. Never hit 40, but was still pretty beastly. Finney created Ashmodai, a neutral human sorc. Balfour and Ashmodai provided all the information and experience Finney would need to make Damacon the A1 murder machine he was during the Blood Wars. We spent most of our time PKing other groups of guys who had been the notorious PKers. PK was still mostly frowned on. Most of those guys were from Wisconsin and went to college with the original IMMs. Had OP items and stats from when you could remort from a centaur to anything and have 1500 HP. I remember at least 3 groups of 4 or more a-holes that we killed until they quit. Also, had a lot of fun RP with Yopparai and whoever the priest of Yigg was (drawing a blank). Got to see Yopparai ascend to IMMhood and replace Yigg and the priest became an IMM also. Good people.
At some point, I played a griffin scout named Dercerias. Only lighty I ever played. Pretty sure he was in the Hammer. I want to say I created him because Finney quit for a while. Had fun with him. Mapped pretty much the whole world with him. Found out you could crash the mud by copying and pasting my giant map with all the color tags into a note to post on the in-game message boards.
I also played a neutral sprite swashbuckler at some point during this time. Can't remember the name, but he was my silly RP guy.
Reorcyn. Human rogue. My favorite character, my most famous character, my most loathed character. Me, Joel, and Finney got the band back together with Reorcyn, Ralhn and Damacon. Started in Teron, but Finney laid out all the RP to bring Krychire and the Adepts back which was pretty cool. Until then, it'd had been dormant and a place where paladins went to break the law and fight undead guards to level up. Fayne probably got level drained as much XP in the Blood Wars as he got from grinding the town guards. The Blood Wars ran it's course, and Damacon was retired. Was always angry Reorcyn never made hero, even though I had the XP for it and I was pretty much the only rogue of any note at the time. In the IMMs defense, I was an a-hole both IC and OOC. In my defense, I was 17. The only redemption I got was being nearby when Cyndre dropped dead the first time he logged in after implementing old age death. I looted all his equipment off his corpse, including the HP regen stuff that he'd been hoarding forever. Carried around his corpse in the sailor's dufflebag forever until I found a scout I trusted to skin it. Made a pair of boots out of that skin. Was a follower of Nightfall, even though he was inactive the entire time. Tried to take control of the religion, made some people angry IC/OOC, and Nightfall made a return just to reset all my skills. Reorcyn was pretty old by that time so I was done. He was a beast of a character. Had 1000+ HP without equipment or remorting from another race (that never existed when I played, that was old school SK), could go toe to toe with a warrior if he had to, at least long enough for a necro or sorc to torch whoever he was fighting. Double-handed piercing mithril sword could kill just about anyone who wasn't a barbarian with counterstrike in one hit with a backstab. Circlestabs with it would take anywhere from 33% to 50% of a person's health. I imagine those types of things don't exist any more.
Shigehiro. Everything I said before in my post. Probably my most mature character.
Created a neutral human rogue, who's name I can't remember, when Finney created Lorzatu. I think he followed Achernar? This was about the time I burnt out. Also, playing my 2nd rogue wasn't that much fun. I want to say he got up to level 40 or so, with little fanfare.
Probably created a dozen other characters that never got past level 10. At the time I quit, I had an idea for a dwarven mercenary that was obsessed with gold. Never saw that one to fruition.
I don't think I ever played a spellcaster past level 10. I created several priests over the years because I knew I would be busy, but wanted to still be able to log on occasionally and RP, maybe throw a rez or two but not get so heavily involved in PK. Never got them past the newbie areas.