theDrifter wrote:
Since you indicated your interest in promoting transparency, I see that Sadr is a newly-created immortal account and searching his/her profile does not bring up any introductory post, as some new immortals have posted in the past. I understand that you allow staff members to remain anonymous if they wish, but how does replacing an unpopular staff member with an unknown staff member increase transparency?
I will answer this question at least as I felt the first was directed at Dulrik. You are correct that I am a newer member of the staff. I have been working behind the scenes since early this year. The newly opened volcano in Zhenshi, for example, was my first zone, though I've been working to make improvements to some other less-commonly traveled areas as well.
While I do not believe my identity to be one that would cause any polarized reactions, I'd prefer to have a chance to allow my actions and responsibilities as a staff member speak for me for at least a short time. My hope has always been, in addition to aiding with building and running events, to be an advocate for the player base and do what I can to improve relations between players and staff. I hope you will give me the chance to do so.
I will add that I feel fortunate to be working with a very motivated group of individuals. I hope our efforts will continue to be apparent and appealing to new and old players alike, though I'm always open to hearing outside thoughts an opinions if you think I could be doing a better job in any way. For convenience, you can email me at if you wish to take me up on that.