Trosis wrote:
So is it against the rules to be in an inn and not say a word to anyone?
I’d argue not. But I would argue that over-harassment is violating the golden rule, rule 1.
A little bit of “I’m a dick” RP is fine. But there is a line where you’re violating rule 1.
This is why Wheaton's law, which was coined as a phrase to condemn the standard X-Box live player telling you about his romantic endeavors with your mother, is vastly insufficient as the central phrase in an RP-centric game like Shattered Kingdoms.
In Shattered Kingdoms, it should be perfectly well and accepted to "be a dick"
provided it is your character being a dick to to other characters, not you as a player being a dick to another player. Extending beyond that into OOC harassment is when it becomes unacceptable. Any story grows stale without conflict, just as stale as it is with no characters in the story at all.
SK is a game that is all but guaranteed to get people who participate in PK hot under the collar at some point or another. Regardless of what side you may feel you are on, the desired goal should be that anyone who starts to feel themselves frustrated at the other player instead of their character should take a step back and assess their perspective.