archaicsmurf wrote:
Sent my first email and PM about cabal leadership back on Dec 3rd, 2018. It's March. I was active and paragon at the time.
Now I couldn't care less.
I will apologize for anyone that was stuck in a holding pattern, or otherwise felt ignored. We generally try to keep some separation between who runs which faiths, cabals, and tribunals so there isn't a situation where one staff member is in-charge of all the light aura cabals for instance. In this situation, due to the real-life commitments of some of the staff members in charge of these various groups and the high turn over rate in player leadership, it led to some groups not having anyone active that can add members.
For anyone that finds themselves in that situation currently that has already reached out the appropriate contact, I would ask that you send me an e-mail so I can do my best to resolve the situation. Beyond that, if anyone currently a part of a group wants higher favor, leadership, or anything of that nature and aren't having luck with the listed contact feel free to reach out.