jreid_1985 wrote:
@syn As for ki straps, not sure I know enough about them. From my testing, you do forgo an armor slot to wear them. They did not seem game breaking to me. Perhaps that is the fault of damage types that get applied from them like divine wrath? I'm not a fan of nerfs in any case.
I think I agree with what you said though. How cool would it be if every cabal had seasonal gear, something new swapped in every 3 months for people to try? That way you don't have to worry about freeing up vnums to make these items. Idk, just some random ideas.
I like the idea of a seasonal approach, though I know it's a building burden. Every cabal has a block of gear that just gets changed out here and there. The only downside besides building burden (which is likely significant) is I know that any salty gear-mongers among us might get a little upset if they don't get it and ruin it for everyone, but I think it'd be fun until it isn't.
Here's the thing about 'not fan of nerfs' stuff - I agree, in principal and 95% of the time. However, any player that isn't brand new is gonna think about the opportunity cost - why am I gonna pick a harder time? It's why there's always players for griffons and fist. In order to bring up every other cabal to not be the 'harder time', you would basically have to unlock loot like it's a test server. That kind of creep trivializes content, and I think this is the only instance the answer is 'bring the items back in line with the original intent.' It doesn't get rid of them. It just makes a more realistic bar for everyone else to raise to.
The game wasn't always lightie slanted. I've been chewing on how the tuning of areas, selection of available gear, nerfs to [cabals], necros, charms/tames, ranged. It's seemed to funnel the game down into a particular valley of melee play. I've been trying to noodle through ways out of that valley, but I'm either not creative enough, am wrong about it being a valley, or it's too steep of a climb. There's very few selections that I can see get you there.