I think that the issue is the zakami sometimes flee which ends combat for no reason.
Secondly "mode bash" is not a mode. There is only mode stun and mode kill. If you are on mode stun and you stun the creature then attack it again you will kill it and your mode will change because you forced it to change. For example:
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 96%]
> You will fight to stun.
>k aco
You pierce at a robed male human's chest HARD, piercing his ribs!
A robed male human is stunned, but will probably recover.
>k aco
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> You will fight to kill.
Some grey robes falls off from a robed male human.
You pierce at a robed male human's chest. A robed male human falls on his knees and collapses.
A robed male human is DEAD!!
You hear a robed male human's death cry.
You get a single gold coin from a corpse of a robed male human.
You get 9 silver coins from a corpse of a robed male human.
You get 7 copper coins from a corpse of a robed male human.
Just keep it all.
The corpse being left can be a result of a few things, 1. as was said you can not see the corpse due to dirt kicking or blindness spells, or 2. if you had a pet and your pet got the last attack in that killed the NPC it will not junk the corpse.
The identical NPCs happens in every land. You can look at the different ones however...
A ugly male human is here.
A ugly male human is here.
A hooknosed male half-elf is here.
You can look at the first ugly male human by typing look ugly, you can look at the second by typing look 2.ugly.
If you feel that I have not given a clear answer and you still feel theres an issue log the whole combat issue and post it on here. I highly doubt its a bug and I am sure it can be explained with a log.