Rial wrote:
This is outrageous. Being able to mentor people from verygood to superb isn't nearly enough of an incentive to gm. What the hell is so bad about gming anyways?
You're talking a unique ability to mentor higher, meaning guaranteed mentor points since the vast majority of skills have no advanced trainers, or very few.
Also possible would be jacking up the skill level limit as well, allowing journey/vet skills to be mentored accordingly.
Either way, the general idea is to essentially guarantee those skill points by interaction with the lower level people on their way up.
I'm all for this being combined with some other small benefits as well, but they'd have to be small benefits because this is an ability that does help a wide range of people on your side. For instance, if the GM population is cut drastically and the GM merc is anti-Empire, that GM is now affecting the balance of power ever so slightly to the anti-Empire side because higher skill levels require less training etc etc.
Hell, you know better than most what kind of impact you have from having parry at good/vg/superb/perfect is.