Jardek wrote:
adjective elephant
buy elephant
No, it's:
adj elephantine
buy elephant
But to make my post fit this thread...
I have seen 2 lowbie areas that have been "fixed". One lowbie area got a huge fix just by reclassing 2 NPCs (2 that I know of) and I have to say thanks to the Imm(s) responsible for that move.
Beyond that, I do believe leveling is too much of a grind and too slow. I have a high master and a mid mentor and both, due in part to RP, have hit the proverbial brick wall. I have been one of the loudest critics of what I deem the "soak the rich" mentality and will remain a critic, if (as recently) a much more silent critic. Soak the rich in tax-code barely gets the rich damp but drowns the middle class. Soak the rich in game-code barely gets the rich damp but drowns the middle class. Unless a timer of some sort is actually put in place.
My suggestions (although this wasn't a thread for suggestions):
1. Eliminate the "get out" level of familiarity. The level below that is already penalizing players for staying too long.
2. Set a gameplay/irl timer starting at master(1). Don't set it at too ridiculous a level but a reasonably quick level. The 'worth' can check each of the two timers and also the actual exp gained and give the 'worst' value. If the worst value is activity or age, some sort of message could be given to represent that issue, or it could be left unknown (but the change to these timers would need to be public).
3. I agree darkies need a ToM for themselves.
And as an aside, saying there are too many GMs while simultaneously saying the goal is to get people to keep their chars longer is a case of mutually exclusive positions.
Who plays SK? Wouldn't you say competitive people play SK?
What's the top level for mortals? 50?
When competitive people know where the top in a certain category sits, what do they do? Gain it?