Rial wrote:
Honostly, you guys are total idiots if you don't think that makes humans imbalanced. Your just straight stupid. Its not a complicated concept.
I had to stop for a moment at this and reply.
Let me fix this for you.
Honestly, you guys are total idiots if you don't think that no racial weaknesses make humans imbalanced. You're just straight stupid. It's not a complicated concept.
Your insult would be much more appropriate if you had at least made an intelligent attempt at calling people with an opinion opposite of yours stupid.
Can we please leave stuff like this in the GD?
After scanning all the various arguments and opinions, I still think that we should not really gripe about humans being an imbalanced race because of the fact they have no weaknesses. They don't have any bonuses either. They're a good race to have for new players and while they make fantastic tanks, they're not the best in the spell-casting arena. Thats not saying they aren't the worst, they're just average. Anything average, placed into the hands of a knowledgeable player, can become elite. That and I've always been under the impression that humans were meant to be the easy race for most classes and that choosing other races to play simply increased the difficulty to the level of play on SK.
... Minus giant barb/mercs