Oukilis wrote:
I often feel like a PAR is just trying to cling to their status by meeting their hourly and reward quotas.
I know players have real lives, but I often find this to be true. There have been players in the past that don't show up much for months on end, yet somehow manage to hold onto their PAR flag for a
very long period of time. Maybe they're playing when I'm not (aka Greeks), but given my usually varied hours, I generally find this hard to believe.
OVT is right, the PAR system isn't perfect. It's put into the hands of players who have preferences for what they feel is good RP, and it can ignore people who are
really doing something. The IMMs, no offense, are probably guilty of favoritism as well - although likely to a much smaller extent. There's only so much code can do to counter stuff like this, and I don't think the old system was a better solution.
My only real complaint, if you can call it that, is that PAR seems to be dominantly held by priests. But maybe this is better, since they're the ones that interact with people the most...