ericopey wrote:
There will be less PK if we debug the spell? Why? Because you no longer have the ability to exploit this one bug? Oh, get off it. You know you will just find another bug to exploit eventually. Until then, you'll just have to whine, [REDACTED] and moan.
I pointed out facts. This change, bug fix or not depending upon how you look at it, will significantly lower the amount of pk in the mud. The ganking of people who 'hide' all the time has already dropped since scry was nearly completely removed from the game.
I want a lot of pk in this game, as much as possible. If the immortals are able to find a way to make up for the fact that there actually will be noticeable loss if this spell is changed, and the fact that all four classes listed will be massively wimped by this change, I encourage them to change it, since it doesn't make a great deal of sense IC to be able to locate all the 'new' things in the realms.