Merriam Webster, which has NOTHING to do with the classes of SK, wrote:
Main Entry:
hel·lion Listen to the pronunciation of hellion
probably alteration (influenced by hell) of hallion scamp
: a troublesome or mischievous person
You have no reason to bring Merriam Webster into this.
Also, you completely contradicted yourself.
Amadeo wrote:
I don't necessarily belive if you select a class called 'rogue' but then don't train the things that make a rogue a rogue, that you're really playing a rogue at all.
I don't believe the class defines the personality/how you play the character
Okay, I used the example of not training say... steal and backstab if you wanted to be an honourable rogue. I should have just left that example out altogether. Do you honestly think that a rogue's profession choice completely changes his alignment? The only other professions which are alignment restricted are paladins/hellions and necromancers. Does the ABILITY to backstab someone (get a quick opening attack on a victim before he hits you) really affect your mindset as much as being completely dedicated to a light or dark god, or using the powers of necromancy? The answer is yes, maybe. BUT NOT FOR ALL PEOPLE.
A mercenary can be anything from principled to diabolic. As can swashbucklers, priests, shamans, warlocks, barbarians, scout, bard, and sorceror. The ONLY four other classes that are alignment restricted are paladins and hellions, (for their code) Necromancers (Cause necromancy's screwed up they brains) and now rogues? One of these things is a LOT different, is it not? I missed the part where rogues have to attend brainwashing school in order to be able to look into someone's inventory, lift a book off of someone without them noticing, or sneak up behind someone lightning fast and attack them in complete silence.
ANY CLASS with no alignment restrictions learns to kill people, yet even though murder is outlawed in all kingdoms save Teron, they can still be principled. ANY CLASS CAN BACKSTAB (Only rogues are good at it) and also ANY class can go invisible and/or attack a sleeping person. Why can they be principled or aberrant then?
BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHEN TO USE THEIR SKILLS AND WHEN NOT TO. The same was true of rogues, until now. Apparently, any light-aura'd rogue now must be willing to bend the rules of even their own kingdom, and any evil rogue must either be a money grubbing selfish bastard or a completely insane psychopath. This change was supposed to help RP? Yeah right. All it did was ensure more cookie cutter characters.
This is an extremely RP limiting change that completely disallows rogues to have any honor.