Dark-Avenger wrote:
Gilgon wrote:
Dark-Avenger wrote:
Auto alliance amnesty means there should be auto enemy banishment also?
I vote no. If you want phat skills and spells, join a cabal. If you want law immunity, go for a tribunal.
You can't have everything.
Foolish post. As if the reason to join tribunals is law immunity
The mechanics advantage of law immunity is really great. But most people think it's something trivial that you shouldn't really bother about.
It's something that obviously, if the game didn't have to handle with the confines of code and was run completely IC, would not be a problem at all. The Taslamaran judge would never try and kill Aiden just because Yotbol reported the crime, ICly. It only happens OOCly because you don't mind cheating. Call it lame or 'tactical' if you like, I call it cheating.
Dark_Avenger wrote:
In very recent PKs I've managed to give my allies a lot of time to recover their things from their corpses by reporting those that killed them so they were busy fighting law NPCs.
OK - you achieved a tactical advantage by going OOC and using a known darkie enemy of Taslamar to outlaw one of its best known defenders and to get the Peacekeepers who fight alongside him to instantly attack him mid-battle. Cool - makes sense via pk/ooc, doesn't make sense IC.
Dark_Avenger wrote:
Anyway, if you want law immunity, go for a tribunal. You can't have both phat skills/spells and law immunity at the same time.
If such a change is actually ever implemented, the tribunals' population will suffer a lot since there will be very little reason to join a tribunal anyway. No real reason actually, considering for example that Taslamar's KD has added totally OP store bought pets that give the basic NPC only buffs(lighten load, prayer etc) and there are many ways to get more NPCs in your group already.
Just to clarify - this is a stupid, stupid thing to say. The reasons to join a tribunal have historically had almost NOTHING to do with law immunity. Anyone can merely be pardoned after committing a crime if the tribunal leader wants them pardoned, the only thing that this code change would prevent is players being attacked mid-pk when they are actively helping the side that now suddenly turns on them. Tribunal population would not suffer at all, tribunals would not be weakened whatsoever by this change. There is a real reason to join tribunals still, such as being able to keep up permanent GM shield, armor, prayer, and also have lighten load on yourself as a CoN member for every moment you are online. Maybe you haven't played a merc recently, but that's a gigantic boost in pk.
As far as the OP 'lighten load' NPC, I tend to disagree with its usefulness to some extent, I have always thought that the white dragon pet was far, far stronger (until I posted and worked to get it wimped, luckily). In order to get a lukoi in your group you have to have no other pet..what sort of newb would make that trade just in order to get lighten load? Not worth it, especially with the changes to prone.
The 'many other ways to get NPC's into your group already' are exceedingly problematic, as you know well, because you are a player who currently walks around with only a pet and a law NPC most of the time.