I guess I just wanted to address the current subtype tweaking (and when I say tweaking I mean wimping ofc) from a slightly different perspective and maybe bring something to Dulriks attention.
To begin with, here is how I see it... A few subtypes in this game were overly powerful in comparison with the rest, and thus were wimped, fine and dandy... A few of them got wimped too hard, and thus got tweaked in the other direction just a tad to still make them "viable" option. (The word viable isn't the correct adjective to use here in my opinion though, as no merc operated by a player who has been here for over a year would _ever_ spec in something "...viable..." if he didn't have some iota of a clue that its a better spec than other weapons.)
On top of this "tweaking" people get creative, and start looking for new subtypes that are spec-worthy... Right off the bat, a few of the more prominent "twinks" (The term twink here referring to someone who knows their mechanics and tries to optimize their characters performance, most of the time within the realm of having good rp at the same time.) come out and claim that No-dachi is now the new flamberge/khopesh/kama of specs and is super super awesome. As a response to this, thoughts ideas spring out to give this weapon limitations as to being one/two handed...
Now I am not saying that no-dachi shouldn't be a two-hander only weapon, I am just saying that Dulrik should watch out that he doesn't end up gimping every weapon subtype when the players find out it's nice to spec in, not only will he [REDACTED] off most of the playerbase, but also the point of wimping a few select subtypes will be defeated, and he might as well have just lowered damage two notches on all weapons to begin with.
Am I making sense?