1) Your class type often will come into your characters RP. Although I've always tried to steer away from that fact that it dominates the characters RP. A bard is normally charismatic and outgoing, while a barbarian might be gruff and to the point. Same goes for race, though there are a few racial traits most players seem to play in characters such as the gruff and grunty dwarfish demeanor, or an extremely thick headed giant.
Always remember that although your character may not seem it, or may not RP in a certain way. It does not mean they can't have underlying goals or plans. Hell, I've managed to have a completely happy go-lucky sprite having to balance his time between running a faith, running a kingdom and chasing butterflies
2) OA is pretty much right here. For a lighty city, Exile in Taslamar is by far the most newbie friendly to start yourself in.