Turon wrote:
I recall Raynor being denied entry into multiple faiths before finally having to settle for Yed.
The way I would approach this with my character, the seeker would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my faith is the absolute one for them and have to explain exactly why they went to the other ones first. Then I would have to talk to followers of those faiths and find out why they were turned down. And then confer with the other HF. Considering that I play over hours that the vast majority of religions are represented these days, I see no more than a 24 hour or so turn around.
Then after they dedicate themselves, they best tow the line or expect to be blemished/shunned. As I said before, it is giving the soul to a god, and gods are fickle do they really want to be a second, third of fourth choice for this person?