Edoras wrote:
Physical stats (STR, DEX, CON) lower in CURRENT AND MAXIMUM capacity at age ticks.
This statment is a bit confusing. To clarify (and correct?) physical stats go down in maximum capacity (e.g., a human sorceror with 20 strength maximum would now have a maximum of 19). The current stat score does NOT go down
unless you happen to have a natural max score (i.e., if that sorceror had an actual strength score of 20 when he age ticked). Otherwise your actual score is unaffected by the tick.
In cases where you do lose an actual stat point from aging, I do not believe you get that stat point "back" to spend, but I'm not certain.
The rest of Edoras' post is right.
This is not the way it should work, but it's the way it does. Much easier and fairer would be to just have both current and maximum stats adjust with age.