Dayamin wrote:
Baldric wrote:
The ONLY thing taking these wands out of the game would accomplish would be to massively wimp the weakest class in the game: warlocks.
Uh, this statement is completely untrue. Warlocks are definitely NOT the weakest class in the game, and nearly the opposite. Warlock is my favorite class and I can tell you first hand that they decimate when built right (not including the ultimate combination by throwing them in the Druids). They may suck somewhat at the low end of the leveling spectrum, but get beastly powerful at the high end. Taking out the wands will not nerf them in any way, and a warlock using an etherealform wand actually nerfs themselves, since they don't get teleport/gate/rift.
What baldric said was true, not to derail this thread, but Warlocks are pathetically weak. Finicky pets that leave them on a timer that is less than a necromancer's army of wraiths. Stonskin easily bypassed by the absolute plethora of magical damaging reaching weapons out there, nonexistent access to third row in which keeps casters alive. Elementals are uber easy to dispel, even using a simple scroll can work.
Magic damage is laughable vs someone with a well enchanted suit (Yes, casters should have more than one useful dd spell. Warlocks only have magma..) The only thing that gives them remotely a fighting chance is the fact that they get access to etherealform wands so they don't die -every- time they encounter someone. Seriously the only person who gets ganked by a solo warlock is the person who don't know they're hunting him or a total newbie. Any person with a sliver of experience can easily escape a warlock. They definitely need some tweaking to some things.