Teh_Peso wrote:
So we've come across this once again, this time -=I=- made a character purely to stops Syns raging on all the poor newbies(everyone else in the game) with her charm person and dual characters of shaman and sorx that are on the same team.
Baldric will no longer be playing his main character until a spirit doll of him is destroyed. So we are losing players yet again.
So might you, Dulrik, go back to the old voodoo posts, and please remove the spell from the game, or make it do something entirely different?
I've used voodoo three times total, all against Syns sorx, all after she did something against my character. So all were justified.
But once again, voodoo is pushing players away.
Before anyone says well just don't use it. No, I can't just not use it, because sometimes certain players need to be taken off their high horses and raging. I currently like the RP of my shaman, and won't be changing her, but I also don't want my friends(who ironically are screaming at me on YIM and other forms of chat) to not play their fun characters.
So if we can get a clear vote VS voodoo, if you'd change it to not be a kill-spell.
my characters current kit has over 1550 in mana, and is a gnomish shaman, which no one in SK would survive against without a doll, and most of SK cannot survive against with a doll.
So with the agreement of the playerbase(and I'm certain nearly everyone will agree), can we please disembowel voodoo?
Teh_peso (god of syn)
I can confirm that I will not be playing Marietta while that doll exists.